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A glass of beer from Riggs Beer Company in Urbana, Illinois

All those local farms lead to some tasty concoctions – over 90% of the grains used to make Riggs Beer Company's German-style beers comes from their 100-year-old family farm

Members of the Amish community in Arthur, Illinois bike through verdant farmlands

You can visit (and purchase homemade goods from) Illinois' largest Amish population in Arthur, just south of the Champaign-Urbana area

伊利诺斯州尚佩恩 Virginia Theatre 剧院外矗立着罗杰·艾伯特“竖起大拇指”的雕像

著名影评人罗杰·艾伯特来自尚佩恩-厄巴纳,他在电影评论界树立了用“竖起大拇指”的标志打分的风向标。在每年的 Ebertfest 电影节上,所有参加电影节的人都会坚起大拇指与他的雕像合影,通过这种非官方传统表达对他的缅怀和纪念。